Back in my days in the university in Nigeria, there was this female professor, vocal, audacious, and forthright in her dealings with everyone including the university management.  In the university senate meetings, her presence elicits a measure of dread, especially for the underperforming and ill-prepared vice-chancellor. She was reputed to have always said ‘in doing my things, I do not walk, I run. In like manner,  the spokesman of the HoR, Hon. Benjamin Kalu seem to have a verifiable disdain for walking but developed and adapted an admirable capacity to run even as a first-timer. And for three years plus, even the deaf and dumb in Bende and beyond can testify about the record-breaking achievements he has recorded. Except for a few deliberately biased folks, a popular refrain in Bende has been ‘Ben Brings the Best’ (BBB) in our lives.

In beer parlours, sports centres, beauty parlours, and village squares, BBB has become dominant and suffocating except for a few pretenders hustling to be noticed. I have been in Nigeria for almost 2 months and only recently returned to my base a week ago. I intermingled and took my time to visit almost all project sites across Bende.  I saw with my eyes and listened to rural folks eulogize this proud son of Bende. Truth be told, everyone in Bende knows what our son has done so far but practically almost all do not seem to know

The depth of the plot and scheme to frustrate his return to the House in 2023. This plot is not by outsiders but by insiders, his brothers, and sisters.

I make bold to say that the scam and propaganda in recent weeks raised against Ben Kalu is part of the bigger agenda to weaken his resolve to work for Bende. The instigators are so dumb to understand that integrity and grace speak for Benjamin. From media onslaught to e-rats all feasting on the horrendous lies against the anointed son of Bende, the sponsors would seem to be salivating on their achievements so far. In ignominy will these instigators be exposed, no matter how highly placed or connected.

Politics is all about freedom of choice through wilful association not forced solidarity.  No man or woman is God and no man or woman should play God. It is true that the problem in Bende and by extension Abia state is the determination of our slave masters to institutionalize what a scholar referred to as  ‘hereditary democracy’, ‘monarchical democracy’, or ‘sexually transmitted democracy’. In these variants of democracy, no progress nor development is attained except the primitive accumulation of wealth. Bende has remained in the doldrums and backwaters of development for ages until the arrival of Benjamin Kalu to play his part. That the face of Bende is no longer the same is not rocket science but the commitment and passion with which Benjamin Kalu brought to bear is a testament to a greater future. What Bende people should focus on now is to ensure that all plots by powers in Abia, Bende, or Abuja to demarket our performing once-in-a-lifetime legislator is ambushed and scuttled. Let us consider the instigators of this plot enemy of the people and consciously strive towards retaining our legislator in Abuja. Let us also be quick to, for once tell truth to power. Benjamin Kalu is our son and fathers pray that their sons should surpass them. It cannot be otherwise for our honorable that flies our flag in Abuja.


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