The House of Representatives reconvened yesterday after a brief recess. Part of the activities of the plenary was a speech by the Speaker on the resumption of the House.

Drum Africa received the following brief of the Speaker’s welcome speech from House Spokesman, Hon. Benjamin Kalu.



He welcomed everyone back, trusting that they had seized the opportunity for consultation, preparation and rest.


Review of achievements of House before recess

He recalled that in the short time prior to recess, the House had considered 13 bills and 57 motions including:

  • Electric Power Sector Reform Act (Amendment) Bill 2019,
  • Physically Challenged (Empowerment) Bill 2019,
  • Student Loan (Access to Higher Education) Bill 2019,
  • Motion on non-Remittance of Contributions into the NSIFT by the Federal, States, Local Government and Some Public and Private Organisations

The House also took action to prevent taken the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) from striking.

Ad – hoc committee set up to investigate the underutilization of the Eastern ports has held several events, including a well- attended public hearing. House ready to receive and consider their report

Ad – Hoc Committee on the Legislative Agenda for the 9th House has submitted their report. House ready to debate and adopt.

During recess, House convened two National Roundtable Discussions on reform of the budget process and on recovered assets. Allowed productive stakeholder engagement of Executive and Legislature. Smoothened the ground for 2020 Appropriations Bill.


Ad-hoc Committees

All ADHOC Committees to wind up and handover to standing committees by September 30th.


Legislative Focus

House committed to consider and pass-

  • Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB)
  • Bill prohibiting Estimated Billing in the power industry
  • Education Bank Bill – to ensure affordability and access to tertiary education
  • Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Bill intended to broaden the Local Content Act – ensure petroleum resources are used in the development of indigenous capability


Security and Insurgency

Speaker also visited Borno, Zamfara and Katsina states to acquire first hand knowledge of the issues of insurgency, banditry and internal displacement.



Government has experienced success in recovering fraudulent cash and non-cash assets useful for national funding.

Through National Roundtable discussion on Recovered Assets, House is working with relevant executive agencies to develop framework for more effective and transparent accounting of recovered assets.



  • Condemned South Africa’s xenophobic attacks on Nigerians
  • Commended Julius Malema of Economic Freedom Fighters (EEF)
  • Commended Sir Allen Onyema of Air Peace.


Nation Building

Charged House on joint task of nation building.


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