The leaders of the National Council of Women’s Societies Nigeria paid a courtesy call to Chief Benjamin Kalu on Thursday, December 13, an occasion they used to present the 2019 calendar to him as one of the illustrious sons of Bende and a leader they look up to.

In her speech, their president and her executives praised Chief Benjamin Kalu for consistently taking care of women, especially the widows in the past 15 years through his Benjamin Kalu Foundation (BKF). They sought for partnership with the foundation for the construction of a skills acquisition center which is commencing soon for the women of Bende. Benjamin Kalu was endorsed by the Nigerian council of women society who pledged to rally support for him in the coming elections.  According to them, the women of Bende are proud of how you have been a husband to many in the last 15 years and as your wives, mothers, sisters, aunties and daughters, we will throw our weight behind your aspirations in the coming general elections. We have always voted for you Chief Ben Kalu. It is just that the votes have never counted. We urge you to protect our vote this time that you are in the major party so that our votes will count. We are tired of voting for you and another being declared winner. In his response Chief Kalu thanked them for their recognition of his selfless services to the community of Bende for the past 15 years, assuring them that he would do more as it is only a call to serve humanity and only what is done for God shall be rewarded. Chief Kalu confirmed to them that his skills acquisition centre has commenced with the production of domestic soaps among other things and he also confirmed his interest to partner with them in their project for the skills acquisition centre for women.

Finally, the Nigerian council of women society was strengthened with these words “I thank you for voting for me all these years. This time, your votes will count because they will be protected. This is the reason I am in APC, the central government with easier access to all the security agencies that will ensure that this is achieved. Beyond this, the youths of the various communities and you women will not allow any ballot boxes to be carried away this time because you will cast your votes and stay there to protect your votes until the result is announced. 

Thank you for coming to see me today. I will soon come to see you in your various wards to extend my hand of partnership as we take what belongs to Bende for better representation.


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